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House rules

Here you will find the house rules of our hotel to assure a comfortable stay for each guest:


1. Persons under the age of 18 are only allowed to stay under parental supervision.
2. No smoking is allowed. If smoking occurs, a cleaning fine of € 200 will be charged.
3. The usage of candles is prohibited at all times.
4. Use or possession drugs, including weed and nitrous oxide, is not allowed on the hotel premises!
5. Your room needs to stay clean and in a good state.
6. Do not move the furniture in the room.
7. The perpetrator will pay for any damage in the room.
8. No loud noise in hotel rooms, hallways, and public areas between 10:00 pm and 08:00 am.
9. Check-in is possible after 3:00 pm.
10. Check-out is at 11:00.
11. No visitors or unregistered guests are allowed in the hotel room. A maximum of one registered guest is permitted in a single room and a maximum of two registered guests in a double room.
12. No pets are allowed.
13. The hotel may cancel or change your reservation by any means necessary.
14. The hotel is not responsible for accidents and thefts. There is a safe in your room where you can keep your valuables.



In the event of violating one or more rules, disturbance, illegal practices, or obstructing other guests and staff, the hotel reserves the right to terminate the reservation immediately without refunding the paid reservation amount. You will need to leave the hotel immediately. We will make a report of the offense to the police

+31 70 205 8121